Teaching Against the History Book

I write a commercial textbook so I have mixed feelings about those who criticize textbooks and the textbook industry. No need to get into this debate here, but as is often the case the issues are complex and most people are only partly informed. Anyway, I am also intrigued by the notion that quality projects can emerge out of bits of knowledge and enthusiasm scattered about the crowd. What I question is the commitment of individuals to make a time commitment to a project without compensation. So, when I hear that someone is attempting to organize a wiki book for the general good I try to bring this matter to the attention of others. Perhaps in a year or so, we will revisit this site and find an interesting educational resource. Perhaps in a year we will visit this site and find that it was just another idealistic project that never materialized.

BTW – I use the tag “book” on this site and my main blog to identify topics of this general nature.

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