This site provides access to video presentations and demonstrations associated with the Grabe Kindle book - Layering for learning. Owning the book is not a necessary prerequisite for viewing these videos. Enjoy.

Background - theoretical basis associated with this book.

EdPuzzle - crop and add audio comments, text comments and questions to video - highlighting and anntotating web pages

Insert Learning (DocentEDU) - adding annotation to web pages (part 1) - administration

Insert Learning - annotation tools (part 2)

MoocNote - setup and creation of groups - annotating video

MoocNote - adding annotations to video (part 2)

Reclipped - clipping and annotating online video

Scrible - adding annotations to web pages

VideoAnt - adding annotations to video (part 1)

VideoAnt - creating groups and assigning annotated videos to groups (part 2)

Other services - other annotation options

Layering concern - rights of the author

Moderate annotations


Layering for Learning:

Adding annotations and prompts to online content