GPS and GIS: Interpreting Data in Relationship to Place

I have long been interested in cell phone photography as a way students could learn about GPS and GIS. The capabilities of our phones in this regard are probably now taken for granted and consequently ignored as a learning opportunity. If anything, the capability of connecting the phone to a location marked in captured images may be considered a security risk rather than a capability to be applied when useful.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow the investigator to search for interpretations of data related to place. GPS uses the signals from multiple satellites to allow an individual with a GPS device (hardware) to determine the location of the GPS device (place) in terms of precise latitude, longitude, and altitude. Put another way, the device allows you to determine exactly where you are standing on the earth. Typically, your position can be determined with greater than 10-foot accuracy. You may be familiar with GPS navigation because you have GPS hardware installed in your car or perhaps your phone. These devices know where you are and can establish a route between where you are and where you would like to go. The most basic function of a GPS is to locate the device in three-dimensional space (longitude, latitude, and altitude), but most map location (show location on a map), navigate, and store data (e.g., the coordinates of designated locations). Smartphones do so using true GPS (using the signals from satellites) but may also determine the location of the phone by calculating the phone’s location to multiple cell phone towers. The triangulation process with the cell towers is similar to that dependent on satellites but less accurate.

GIS is a software tool that allows the user to see the relationship between “layers” of information. In most cases, one layer is a map. Other layers could be the presence or quantity of an amazingly diverse set of things— e.g., voters with different political preferences, cases of a specific disease, fast food stores, a growth of leafy spurge, or nitrate concentration in water. The general idea is to expose patterns in the data that allow the researcher to speculate about possible explanations. 

With the addition of specialized software, some GPS devices and smartphones provide similar capabilities. The device knows your location and can identify restaurants, gas stations, or entertainment options nearby. The field of location-based information is expanding at a rapid pace. One approach involves providing useful, location-specific information. For example, how close am I to the nearest gas station? A second approach allows the user to offer his or her location as information. Being able to locate a phone can be useful if the phone is lost and some applications allow parents to locate their children using the location of the phone the child is carrying. Sometimes, individuals want to make their present location available in case others on a designated list of “friends” may be in the vicinity providing the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting. Obviously, there can be significant privacy concerns related to sharing your location.

A great example of student use of GPS, GIS, and the Internet is the GLOBE program ( GLOBE is an international program led by a collaborative group of U.S. federal agencies (NOAA, NSF, NASA, EPA). Over 140 colleges and 10,000 schools from over 90 countries are also involved. GLOBE involves students in authentic projects led by scientists in the areas of air quality, land cover, water quality, soil characteristics, and atmospheric sciences. 

In the GLOBE program, students in classes taught by specially trained teachers work with scientists to collect data according to precisely defined protocols. The advantage to the scientists is the massive and distributed data collection system made available by the Internet. Data gathered from precise locations (identified with GPS) can be integrated (with GIS) on an international scale. Students have access to educational materials and learn by contributing to authentic projects.

The GLOBE projects are presented in ways that have local relevance and have been matched to K–12 standards. While the topics of study most closely address standards in the areas of math and science, the international scope of the project also involves students with world geography, diverse cultures, and several languages (the project home page is available in seven languages). The data are also available online, and groups of educators are encouraged to propose and pursue related projects.

Readily available software and hardware also allow educators to design projects that are not dependent on formal, large-scale programs. We all have become much more familiar with GPS devices and many of us own navigation or phone devices that could be used in educational projects. Digital cameras tag images with GPS coordinates. Once we have a way of determining location, we might then consider what data we can match to location. Fancy equipment is not always necessary. Sometimes the data are what we see. Do you know what a Dutch Elm tree looks like? Have any Dutch Elms in your community survived? Where are they located? There are also many easy ways to use location to attach data, in this case photos, to maps. For example, Google Photos offers some amazing capabilities. If you store cell phone pictures in Google Photos, try searching for a location (e.g., Chicago). Google Photos knows where some things are located (e.g., the Bean), but will also return photos based on the embedded EXIF data that includes GPS information.  

Probes you may already own, your phone and data collection

Your cell phone has an interesting feature. It can store the exact location from which each picture was taken and other information with the same file containing the image. These data are stored as part of EXIF (exchangeable image file format). You may know that some images are accompanied by information such as the camera used to take the picture, aperture, shutter speed, etc. This is EXIF data. The longitude and latitude (I can never remember which is which) can also be stored as EXIF data.

I have a record of my first experience exploring these capabilities. I was using a camera with GPS capabilities rather than a phone, but it is the personal insights about capabilities that resulted that are relevant here. In was 2009 and my wife and I were in Washington, DC, for a conference. We spent some time visiting the local landmarks and I took the following picture. As you can see, we were standing at the fence that surrounds the White House and I took the following photo. I think tourists would no longer be allowed in this location, but that was a different time. 

I used the EXIF data to add the photo to Google Maps. In the following image, you can see the image and the mapped location in street view. At first the map information confused me – no white house. Then I realized, we are standing on Pennsylvania Ave. on the other side of the fence shooting through the trees to frame the picture. We were the pin looking through the fence, over the flower bed, toward the White House. I have often said I have a different understanding of technology because I have always been a heavy tech user and experienced life as technological capabilities were added. I was there before and after and thus have a sense of how things changed. When technology capabilities are already there you often learn to use them without a need to understand what is happening and without a sense of amazement that can motivate you to seek understanding and creative applications. 

Mapping photo collections with Google services

The following is a tutorial. The specific example that is the basis for the tutorial is not intended to be relevant to classroom use, but the example is authentic and the processes described should transfer. Now retired, we were wintering in Kauai when I decided to write this post. I do a lot of reading and writing in coffee shops and I had decided to begin collecting photos of the various shops I frequented. Others would probably focus on tourist attractions, but coffee shops were the feature that attracted me.

Mapping photos in Google is best understood as using two interrelated Google services – Google Photos and Google MyMaps. If you are cost conscience and are not interested in advanced features or storing a lot of images, you can get away with the free levels of Google tools. The two-stage process involves first storing and isolating the images you want to map (Google Photos) and then importing this collection to be layered on a Google map (MyMaps).

Creating an album in Google Photos

The first step involves the creation of an album to isolate a subset of photos. In the following image, you should find a column of icons on the left-hand border. The icon within the red box is used to create an album.

This icon should then display the Create album button at the top of the display.

Name the new album

Now, return to photos and for each photo you want to map, use the drop down menu to add that photo to the appropriate album.

Continue until you have identified all of the images you want to map.


Google MyMaps ( provides a means to create multiple personal maps by layering content (e.g., images) on top of the basic Google map. Using the link provided here, open your Google account and identify what you want to label your new personal map. 

If you are adding images with GPS data, the process will automatically locate the images you provide to the appropriate location. It makes sense to me, to begin by moving the location that I am interested in to the screen. In this case, I am adding images to the island of Kauai.

The following image is a panel you will see in several of the images that follow. The first use of this panel is to enter a name for the map I am creating. 

The text box to enter the name is revealed by selecting the original value (Untitled map) and this will open a box to add the name you intend.

The next step is add the layer that will contain the photos on top of this map. 

The approach I am taken is to add all of the images once and this is accomplished by referencing the Google Photos album that already exists. I select “coffee shops” from my albums.

MyMaps does not assume I intend to use all of the images in the designated album so I must now select the images I want to add to the map. When finished, select “Insert”. 

This generates the finished product.

MyMaps allows you a way to share your map with others. Try this link to see the map I have just created. Selecting one of the thumbnails appearing on the map should open a larger view. Give it a try. Without the password, your access should be “read only”.


Google Photos and Google MyMaps allow students to explore GPS and GIS. Images taken with smartphones can be added to a Google map allowing authentic GIS projects. Care should be taken to understand how to turn GPS locations associated with photos on and off. 


Creative Commons with Pixelfed

I recently generated a post expressing my frustration with Creative Commons photos. It wasn’t that there weren’t powerful ways to find CCd photos, it was that I could not recommend a way to share my photos under Creative Commons licenses. Actually, I have a great way to do this. A large number of Creative Commons licenses are shared through Flickr which I use (my collection of African wildlife is an example). The problem is that I pay $60 or so a year and many may find this cost-prohibitive. There seems no way to offer CC photos via Google photos. One might think so because Google does a good job of help folks find CC photos, but the company does not seem to see their photo tool as a way to share publically using CC licenses.

As things often seem to go, I have found a great way for those wanting to share their photos on a budget. I have used for quite a while and this service has just added a way to label photos as CC. Pixelfed is a federated service that is very similar to Instagram. Actually, the similarity to Instagram was what first attracted me to the service. I was looking for something to diversify my social media interests and get away from Facebook (Instagram is owned by Facebook and feeds into the same data-collection system). A federated site means that the software is open source and can be installed by multiple parties. Mastodon is another example if you want to try a Twitter alternative. As a user of a federated service you belong to the group using a specific server, but have access to the other federated content as well. It does help in getting started if you can convince a few friends to join the same instance so you have a way of sharing content within a small group and getting started.

Here is a way to get started with Pixelfed. You create an account and access from phone, tablet, or computer. I am interested in the public approach so to add a public image (not limited to my friends), you select the public option for a given photo.

Once you have uploaded a photo, you have the opportunity to describe it, add a location, tag people AND now add a license.

The image should now be available with the CC licenses you have assigned. The designation appears below the image in the way Pixelfed displays the photo (see below).

My account is public and you can use it to see what an account looks like.


My Maps

My Maps is a Google service allowing users to add personal layers to Google maps. Google Map Maker was a popular and easy to use service educators and students used to create personalized maps, but Google discontinued Map Maker. My maps is a reasonable substitute.

I have offered a description of My Maps elsewhere. The purpose here is to include a short video that makes clear the technique of using the GPS data stored with a photo to locate an image on a Google map.


Google Photos – Lens

I have been waiting for some time to explore Google lens. This Google Photos capability was first available for Android devices but was supposed to be rolling out for iOS. Cindy has the capability on her iphone, but I, as yet, do not.

Anyway, I found that I can use Google Lens on my Chromebook and the larger screen offered advantages in recording a demonstration of what Lens can do.

My demonstration may paint a picture that is too positive. The service is impressive. One of the capabilities I keep searching for is related to my background in teaching biology. I am a sucker for apps that purport to identify plants and animals. Google Lens might be expected to have similar capabilities.

What I have found about this application of AI is that plant identification is very challenging. This makes sense as the images provided may or may not reveal critical features the AI needs to make an accurate identification. What I remember from classes requiring that I identify unknown species with a “key” is that even with guidance this process is challenging. I like to test the AI capability of these products by visiting a zoo or botanical garden that offers examples I do not know, but also provides labels for the exhibits. Does the identification of the technology offer a match?

What Lens does in such circumstances is make its best guess, but it also shows you images of other matches it considered. This seems a reasonable combination of AI and human intelligence. As a learning experience, the consideration of the options may offer a superior opportunity. You have to be involved. The technology scaffolds the experience by limiting the options and you end up making a decision.



Google Photos – Local and Remote

We are in Kauai, HI, and I am finding so many things to photograph. I have a nice camera, but I also always have my camera in my pocket and also like the GPS data stored with iPhone photos. As my local (camera) photo collection has grown, I have started investigating the options for storing photos remotely on Google Photos. I have never uploaded all my camera or phone photos to Google and I must also now contend with very slow Internet so there are multiple reasons to be selective. I think I have the local to remote options down so I thought I would write a tutorial.

Three lines or three dots

In the following content, I may make reference to three lines or three dots. This is a reference to icons that appear on the left (lines) and right (dots) when the Google search box is open at the top of the Google Photos display. The icons to control important actions drop down from the three lines and the three dots icons.

Is it local, remote, or both

The display of your photos on your phone provides some information about where a photo is actually stored. If you examine the lower right-hand corner of a photo in thumbnail mode, you may see a circle consisting of two arrows. This means the photo is on your phone, but has not been uploaded to your Google photos account. If you select one of these folders and then select Backup from the three dot icon, you will upload this specific photo to Google.

If an image has no such circle of arrows, the image has been backed up. To test this distinction for yourself, connect to your site from a computer and compare what you see on the computer versus the phone.

Here is the interesting thing. If you have the Google Photos app on your phone and connected, you will still see photos you have deleted from your phone (deleting photos from the phone does not happen just because you backed up) because the thumbnail for the image will still be downloaded and displayed. Selecting the thumbnail will display the image by download. If your phone is offline, you will not see images stored only remotely. So, images can exist locally, remotely, or in both places.

Free up space

There are two ways to delete local photos. A photo that is stored in two locations can be deleted by using the three dot drop-down menu and selecting delete device local. (see image above for options to backup and delete original)

An option for free up larger amounts of space by deleting local images is available under the three line drop down menu (free up menu).

Remember, some folks claim that a file that exists in only one location is not actually backed up. I certainly trust Google to keep the files stored only on their servers and they must have backups of these backups, but if you are paranoid, I am just telling you what some folks say.

BTW, you can reverse the backup and delete process by displaying an image that has been deleted locally (meaning you see it from the Google server) and selecting download from the three-dot menu. I guess this would be a way to determine if both options I describe above applies – no download=both, download=remote only.


[I am going to cheat a bit here so I don’t have to include pictures of all possible variations that appear under the three dot icon. Options come and go depending on the image viewed. So, backup will not appear if the image has already been backed up. Download would appear if the image has been backed up and the local image deleted.]

Backup vs. archive

When you select the three dot icon, the drop-down menu will list both backup and archive. Archive is for photos you do not want to display (locally or remotely). For example, I share my photos with my family and I may want to not bother them with work photos. This is what archive accomplishes. You will not see archived images remotely or locally. Fear not, the images still exist and you can locate them by using the download from archive icon available from the three line icon.


Collaborative photo collections in Google Photos

Google Photos offers the opportunity to create a photo album allowing invited individuals to contribute images. This collaborative opportunity seems perfectly suited to classroom projects.

I had not explored this capability until attending a recent wedding and recognizing just how many individuals were taking photos the best of which could be integrated for all to view.


Sharing and collecting Google photos

Google allows the creation of a shared photo album within Google Photos. Here is a quick tutorial. Imagine a situation in which individuals visit the zoo and want to combine their best images into a collaborative album.

Step 1 – Someone needs to create the shared album. If this is you, here is what you do.

From your Google photos account, select the + icon


A drop down menu should appear and share album will be one of the options


Step 2 – make your initial contributions

You Photos collection will open and you can then select the images you want to add to the collaborative album. You should then select create (upper right-hand corner).sharephoto3

Step 3 – enter name for the shared album

Enter a title for the shared album and then select the three dot icon


Step 4 – Share and generate link

When the three dot icon is selected a dialog box appears with an address for the shared collection. You could provide this address to others if all you want to do is share your selections.


Step 5 – Return to your photos home page and select shared albums

This may seem a little strange, but the next step is to return to your photos home. From this location, access your shared album(s).


Step 6 – Select album you want designated for group contributions

Select the shared album you intend to be used for shared contributions.



You should now see a slider to allow others to contribute images (not just view what you have shared).

Send the link to others


Step 7 – Others connect with the link provided

At this point, your work is done and it is time for your collaborators. When someone uses the link you provided, they must first sign in.


They then join to add photos.


An icon should now appear allowing the selection of photos from their Google Photos.





