Online Map

Tired of finding directions using MapQuest? Try Map24!

Map24 contains a java applet that allows the user to apply several tools – measure distance, move about. If you are like me and must rely on specific directions to get from point A to point B, this tool is worth a look.


Simple Message

I walked out of my office today and noticed the sign in front of the campus church across the street. It seemed perfect for my last post before Christmas.

Peace Message

A simple message for a complex time.



Year In Review

It is time for end of the year lists – song of the year, news event of the year, etc.

Here is the Washington Post year in technology. It is fun to read what others feel were the major developments (and to see how many of these developments were discussed on this blog). The site allows you to cast your vote for your own favorite.


The Year For Google

Steven Levy, one of my favorite technology writers, has a Newsweek article summarizing the year for Google. The article describes the combination of developments in searching and the business opportunities such services make available.
