Waiting for the turkey

Happy Thanksiving Day to all.

I am enjoying a little down time. One of my children is home today and another is coming tomorrow with her family for leftovers. Family gatherings in Grand Forks are becoming rare and we typically are on the road for holidays so this is a nice change.

I was looking for a post topic and noticed that my last.fm account has now been active for a year. Last.fm is a social music site that among other features keeps track of the music you listen to (iTunes, last.fm radio, pandorafm, etc.). According to my stats I listened to a little over 27,000 songs last year. The data, most popular artist, song, etc., are interesting to examine. Most popular artists from last week appear at the end of this post.While not directly relevant to my professional interests, my experience with lastfm has influenced how I understand social network applications. I don’t spend any time interacting with other music fans, but I do enjoy examining the overlap in our musical interests and exploring the work of new artists who are unfamiliar to me. I suppose this is how tapping into the collective intelligence is supposed to work.

 Kim (daughter) and I had a chance to walk along the river and take a few pictures.

red river ice

While we were driving back from the river to see if the turkey was done, Alice’s Restaurant was played as a special selection on the campus radio station. It gave me an opportunity to tell my youngest daughter about the old days when dad was in college.

Remember – you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant. Enjoy your turkey and your friends. Happy Thanksgiving.
