Personal Development – Online

Because I work with technology, I face the constant pressure to learn new things. I suppose this pressure is there no matter what type of work you do, but I think technology changes rapidly and thus requires a special commitment to personal development.

Here is the situation — I am switching the hardware and software basis for much of the work I do. This switch requires that I develop an understanding of a new operating system (OS X) and become reasonably proficient in MYSQL and PHP. While I am doing this I should also probably learn some advanced DreamWeaver of GoLive techniques necessary to create interactive web pages using MYSQL and PHP.

My traditional approach has been to buy books — lots of books — and engage in a process of reading and experimenting. This time I have been trying something different. I have purchased access to the courses offered by an online training company (Virtual Training Company). The training consists of narrated online Quicktime videos that demonstrate how to use various software applications or how to script/program using various “languages.” I am paying $25 for unlimited access for one month. As a point of reference, approximately 8-10 hours of content are available for each topic I have mentioned. This type of learning experience may not suit everyone, but it is ideal for my goals. You can purchase the same material on CD, but the cost to buy multiple CDs for my multiple interests was prohibitive.

If you are faced with developing learning new programs or developing new programming skills, I would encourage you to take a look at this company – sample units are available for each skill area.
