NECC 2002

Cindy and I are presenting at NECC. Our presentation concerns some of our experiences in using technology in the field. The NECC description for our presentation is online.We will be talking about gathering data with probes, the use of digital cameras and video, digital microscopes and related projects.


A little more about blogs:What you see here is a little misleading. Blogs are sometimes promoted as an alternative to having to know something about HTML or a sophisticated web authoring program. This is only partially true. It turns out that it can be helpful to know html. I can create some of the effects you see here (bold text, links) by entering html commands when I enter the text.

It also a little misleading to claim blogs are free. If I wanted to stick with pure text, this would be the case. However, I wanted to be able to include images from NECC, so I spent $35 (for the year) to be able to upload and link images. I have experience with only one blogging site so I cannot really say what options are available in other programs.

Here are some blog resources:Blogger.comMoveable TypeThere are several other options so if this interests you consider conducting a web search.


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